Nathan'ette Burdine's The Nyle Magazine

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Dude chilaxing and reading a book while sitting in the snow;
Folks living around
the Montana and
Idaho mountains
were chilling while
the rest of us
were sizzling
Steven Whitecloud Old Bank Robber in Montana;
An octogenarian confessed to telling
a Zoomer to rob banks to make money
Dude using a fire extinguisher;
Two adults stopped kids from smoking by spraying the fire extinguisher on the kids’ cigarettes

A Skittles bag with skittles around it;


California is getting closer to banning
Skittles and other products the state
says causes health problems
by Nathan'ette Burdine: May 30, 2023

“Tasting the rainbow” could lead to you going over the rainbow. At least, that is what folks in the Golden State’s government are saying. California Assembly Members Jesse Gabriel (D) and Buffy Wicks (D) authored Assembly Bill 418 which lists foods and drinks that are considered bad for the human body. Assembly Members Akilah Weber (D), who is a doctor specializing in women folks’ personal “business”, and Kevin McCarty (D) co-authored the bill.

Ha, dude’s name almost sounds like Kevin McCarthy!

The bill, with a co-author whose name almost signs like Kevin McCarthy, passed the House on the votes of 54 yays, 12 no ways, and 14 we don’t we to be bothered. Currently, the bill is in the Senate Committee on Health where they will be voting on amendments.

If the bill ends up becoming law, Skittles and other products like sodas and microwaves dinners that have red dye No.3, titanium dioxide, potassium bromate, brominated vegetable oil, or propyl paraben will be banned in California.

Anybody caught violating the law will have to pony up $5,000 for the first violation and then $10,000 big ones for every violation they commit after the first one.

The law making folks say that the ban on the products are necessary because eating too much of these products can cause all kinds of health problems ranging from being too hyper, not being able to reproduce humans, to messing up your DNA in your cells so to the point that you end up getting cancer.

Red Dye No. 3, which also causes thyroid cancer, cause folks to behave too hyper for the party. Propyl paraben is the one that can stop folks from making folks, while titanium dioxide is the one that jacks a person’s DNA up so to the point that the individual’s cells stop functioning as they should and end up becoming cancerous.

Potassium bromate is the one where you’ll just get cancer if you take too much of it. Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO) is the worse because it jacks up several important body systems like the neurological system, the endocrine system, the cardiovascular system, and the reproductive system.

Real quick…that Red Dye No. 3 was banned some 30+ years ago after the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decided to not let Estee Lauder and all the other makeup folks put the Red Dye No.3 in the lipstick, eyeliner, blush, gloss, powder, finger nail polish or anything else that the women folk use to color themselves red.

Danger is everywhere.

Now, of course, there are those who say the government is overreaching by acting like an ol’ woman who has nothing else to do in a day but to bother folks with nonsense.

Case in point, as some will say, is the attempt to get rid of food that’s been around longer than the Gen. Zers is no different than what the government was doing with the cigarettes after they found out that smoking actually kills. Learning that smoking kills folks led to a strong push to ban smoking. The ban, however, was like a lifelong smoker, dead on arrival.

You see, folks, people don’t want the local, state, or federal government trampling on their constitutional right to decide to smoke or skittle themselves to death. Therefore, if folks want to smoke, drink, or skittle themselves to death, then they are going to do it.
And it’s most likely the reason why California Gov. Gavin Newsom has zipped his lips on whether or not he will be signing the “Skittles” ban into law.


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